

Today in MSE 2001, I learned that my professor (you know, the one on the CIA watch list) is even more dangerous than previously imagined. Not only does she have surveillance of every acre of the Earth, she readily shares the world's deepest secrets without provocation from terrorists or liberals. I'm only repeating what she said today because I can't sleep knowing that I know this and you will not: "I don't know if you guys have ever been to Hawaii or know about the geography, but... ((shows us this picture)), then quickly, nay, slyly changes the subject to something regarding her business trip or something. The point is, and I don't want to speculate here, but it appears Hawaii is a series of islands, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Well, I don't really know what to do now, but I feel dirty.



Today in MSE 2001 I learned that my professor, much like Hiro, has the ability to bend space-time. Since our class is an hour and a half, she gives the class a very short break, in the range of 55 seconds to 2 minutes, somewhere roughly midway through class. At 10:25, she announced, "I usually like to take a break before 10:30, but recently I have been taking it around this time, so let's take it now." And I thought that her unbridled access to clips (see Tuesday's post) was scary. God help us.


Queer Eye?

Today in Spanish I learned that I am more knowledgeable about fashion than is socially acceptable for a straight man, apparently. The professor was going through various pictures in the textbook, mostly colors and other things associated with clothes, and we were supposed to announce the meaning for said objects in English. When time arrived for the word and corresponding picture "Estampado", I cooly suggested paisley. The immediate silence from everyone was invitation enough for a "Or whatever that pattern is..." After the laughter/jestful taunting/burning at the stake had died down somewhat, I suggested as atonement, that they make paisley ties, needless to say, this was no reason for re-initiation to the man club.


Security Threat: Red

Today in MSE 2001 I learned, or rather was re-learned, to the idea of deformation, as I am concurrently taking a class solely devoted to said topic. Trying to introduce the topic of deformation, my professor produced a paper clip and started bending it very slightly to show elastic deformation, and then by applying a greater load to the paper clip, showed how the paper clip permanently and plastically deforms. Oh and then said something ridiculous to tie it all together: "Of course, you guys have probably seen this before, if you've ever had access to playing around with clips." I shudder to think what the CIA would be doing right now if they only knew.

Safety Not Guaranteed

After nearly a month's respite from writing, much needed I might add, I shall continue my writings once again, hopefully with a new post daily or very close. That being said, today in Fluid Mechanics I learned about how fluids act upon entering an abrupt pipe expansion, and it turns out, that there is indeed an energy loss, a headloss if you will. Our professor wanted to consider how this headloss would change by increasing the second pipe's diameter, so he said, "Let's see what happens when we push it to the limit." Now that song will be in your head as well.